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"); var _message = "?름 : " + $("#name").val() + "
번호 : " + $("#number").val() + "
?메?? : " + $("#email").val() + "
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'touchstart' : 'click'; // Navigation this.navInit(self); // Animated Elements if (this.support) { if (this.o.animatedElem && !this.touch) { this.animateElements(self); } else { this.el.removeClass('animated'); } } // Search Box this.searchBox(); // Sticky Header if (this.o.stickyHeader) { this.sticky.stickyPre.call(self, this.$window); } // Owl Carousel Init this.owlSlider.init(); // Parallax Image Init this.parallaxInit(); // Blog Masonry if (this.postArea.length && this.postArea.hasClass('masonry')) { this.postMasonry(self); } // Folio if (this.folio.length) { this.portfolioInit(); this.hoverInit(); } // Services if (this.boxes.length) { this.contentBoxes.call(self); } // Event Scroll this.$window.on('scroll.Template', function (e) { if (self.o.stickyHeader) { self.sticky.stickyInit.call(self, e.currentTarget); } if (!self.touch) { self.disableHover.call(self); } self.backTop.backTopScrollHandler.call(self, e.currentTarget); }); // Back to Top this.backTop.backTopClickHandler(self); }, disableHover : function (e) { var timer, me = this; clearTimeout(timer); if (!me.el.hasClass('disable-hover')) { me.el.addClass('disable-hover'); } timer = setTimeout(function () { me.el.removeClass('disable-hover'); }, 500); }, elements: { '#navigation': 'navMain', '#mobile-advanced': 'navMobile', '#header' : 'header', '#wrapper': 'wrapper', '.section': 'section', '.header-in .search-box': 'searchForm', '.portfolio-items': 'folio', '.load-more': 'loadMore', '.content-boxes': 'boxes', '#post-area': 'postArea', '#back-top' : 'backTopButton', '#fullscreen' : 'fullscreen', '.full-bg-image': 'parallaxImg' }, $: function (selector) { return $(selector); }, refreshElements: function() { for (var key in this.elements) { this[this.elements[key]] = this.$(key); } }, animateElements: function (self) { if ($('.elementFade').length) { $('.elementFade').appear({ accX: 0, accY: -150, data: 'elementFade', speedAddClass: 0 }); } if ($('.slideUp').length) { $('.slideUp').appear({ accX: 0, accY: -150, data: 'slideUp' }); } if ($('.slideLeft').length) { $('.slideLeft').appear({ accX: 0, accY: -150, data: 'slideLeft' }); } if ($('.slideRight').length) { $('.slideRight').appear({ accX: 0, accY: -150, data: 'slideRight' }); } if ($('.slideDown').length) { $('.slideDown').appear({ accX: 0, accY: -150, data: 'slideDown' }); } if ($('.opacity').length) { $('.opacity').appear({ accX: 0, accY: 300, data: 'opacity' }); } if ($('.opacity2x').length) { $('.opacity2x').appear({ accX: 0, accY: 150, data: 'opacity2x' }); } if ($('.slideUp2x').length) { $('.slideUp2x').appear({ accX: 0, accY: 300, data: 'slideUp2x', speedAddClass: 200 }); } if ($('.scale').length) { $('.scale').appear({ accX: 0, accY: 150, data: 'scale' }); } if ($('.extraRadius').length) { $('.extraRadius').appear({ accX: 0, accY: -150, data: 'extraRadius' }); } }, searchBox: function () { if (this.searchForm.length) { this.searchForm.searchBox(); } }, navInit: function (self) { self.mainNav(self, self.$window); self.touchNav(self, self.$window); self.$window.on('resize.nav', function (e) { var timer = setTimeout(function () { clearTimeout(timer); self.mainNav(self, e.currentTarget); self.touchNav(self, e.currentTarget); }, 30); }); }, mainNav: function (self, target) { var noTouchWidth = $(target).width() > 992; if (noTouchWidth) { var widthNav = self.navMain.width(); self.navMain.children('ul').children('li').each(function (idx, val) { var $this = $(val), megaMenu = $this.children('.mega-menu'); if (!megaMenu.length) { $this.find('ul').parent().each(function () { var $el = $(this), $currentItem = $el.find('> a'), $subList = $el.find('ul:first > li'); if ($subList.length) { $currentItem.on('mouseenter', function () { $subList.css({ visibility: 'visible', opacity: 1, top: 0 }); }); $el.on('mouseleave', function () { $subList.css({ opacity: 0, top: '15px' }); }); } $el.data('is', $el.parents('ul').length === 1 ? true : false) .addClass(!$el.data('is') ? 'arrowright' : ''); }); } if (megaMenu.length) { var megaMenu = self.navMain.find('.mega-menu'), list = megaMenu.children('ul').find('ul'), length = list.length, li, size = [], Max, m, s; list.css({ width: Math.ceil(widthNav / length) + 1 + self.o.repairWidthMegaMenu }); list.each(function (idx, value) { li = $(value).children('li'); size.push(li.length); }); for (m = 0; m < length; m++) { Max = Math.max.apply(0, size); if (size[m] < Max) { for (s = 0; s < Max - size[m]; s++) { $(list[m]).append('
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$loadMore.attr('href', $next_href) : $loadMore.remove(); }); i++; }); } }, hoverInit: function () { this.folio.children('article').slideFade({ find: '.item-overlay' }); }, postMasonry: function (self) { this.postArea.each(function () { var $container = $(this); $container.waitForImages(function() { $container.masonry({ itemSelector: 'article', columnWidth: $container.width() / 3 }); $container.addClass('init'); }); if (self.touch) { $('.social-share').on('click', function () { return false; }); } var items = $container.children('article'), length = items.length; items.each(function (idx, element) { $(element).css({ zIndex: length - idx }); }); }); }, contentBoxes: function () { var self = this, items = this.boxes.find('li'), empty = function (mixed_var) { return (mixed_var === ""); } return ({ getColor: function (el) { return el.data('color'); }, getState: function (el) { return el.data('color-state'); }, getHover: function (el) { return el.data('color-hover'); }, SetCss: function (elem, el, head, textColor, stateColor, hoverColor) { if (!empty(textColor)) { $(elem).css({ color: textColor }); } if (!empty(stateColor)) { $(elem).css({ backgroundColor: stateColor }); } if (!empty(hoverColor)) { el.css({ backgroundColor: hoverColor }); } if (!empty(head) && !empty(textColor)) { head.css({ color: textColor }); } }, eventTouch: function () { /* self.boxes.on(self.eventtype, 'li', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); if ($this.hasClass('active')) { $this.removeClass('active'); } else { $this.siblings('li').removeClass('active').end().addClass('active'); } }); */ }, init: function () { var thisMethod = this; items.each(function (idx, elem) { var el = $(elem).children('.hover-box'), head = el.prev(), attrColor = thisMethod.getColor(el), attrState = thisMethod.getState(el), attrHover = thisMethod.getHover(el); thisMethod.SetCss(elem, el, head, attrColor, attrState, attrHover); }); if (self.touch) { this.eventTouch(); } } }.init()); }, sticky: { stickyInit: function (win) { var me = this, data; if (me.headerOut.length) { data = $.data(me.headerOut, 'data'); me.sticky.stickyAction($.data(me.headerOut, 'data'), win, me, 'out'); } else if (me.topBar.length) { data = $.data(me.header, 'data'); me.sticky.stickyAction(data, win, me, 'in'); } else if (me.fullscreen.length && this.headerTypeFixed.length) { data = $.data(me.fullscreen, 'data'); me.sticky.stickyAction(data, win, me, 'fixed'); } else { data = $.data(me.header, 'data'); me.sticky.stickyAction(data, win, me, 'in'); } }, stickyPre: function () { var headerOut = this.headerOut, header = this.header, has = ($('html').is('.chrome')) ? 0 : 30; if (headerOut.length) { $.data(headerOut, 'data', { offset: headerOut.offset().top, height: headerOut.outerHeight(true) }); this.header.find('#logo').clone().insertBefore(this.navMain); this.space = $('
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